
You’re Invited

Sundays | 10:00 AM

1019 W 1st Ave
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Free Parking Corner of Monroe and 1st Ave

Know God. Find Freedom. Discover Purpose. Make a Difference.


  • Walk into our doors and be greeted by a warm smile and cup of coffee. Our church is filled with all ages, people in different walks of faith, and people dressed casually and dressed nice. Wear whatever you are conformable in.

    Our service starts with three songs of worship, sometimes a few announcements, and then a 45 minute Bible Study meant for everyone wherever they are at with their faith. After the study, we simply end with one more song of worship.

    Sundays are often where dinner plans are made, invitations are extended, and authentic friendships begin. Come expectant to find community and to be refreshed by the Word of God and His people.

  • We love the next generation. We provide a separate kids service upstairs every Sunday facilitated by vetted volunteers. Your kiddos will be separated by age group and then can participate in games, worship, crafts and Bible Teaching.

    We also have a Youth Group weekly that acts as small group. To learn more and to sign up for youth group, visit our groups page.

  • We believe that church is more than just Sundays. Our church body gathers throughout the week for studies, discipleship, game nights, worship, and in regular times of fellowship.

    We love that our God is a relational God. We encourage every church attendee to actively invest in authentic relationships throughout the week.

    The best way to do this is by joining a small group. Our groups meet throughout the week and throughout all of Spokane. They range from studies, to simple dinners to worship nights. Sign up for a group and learn more here.

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